A moment of truth. I struggle a bit with winter-induced cabin fever. And this year, it seems, winter just doesn’t want to quit in Colorado. In an attempt to make the best of it, I’m enjoying the slower pace of life by drinking hot tea, binging a new series and researching design. Hello, Design Nerd!
Call me what you will, but as the gray days linger on, I needed a demonstration of color to relieve my eyes of the drab landscape before me. Of all the places I could possibly venture to, I took a field trip to a local grocer, where in the produce section alone, my hibernating spirit was restored. Brilliantly colored citrus fruits in shades of orange and yellow warmed my eyes, while textured greens of kale, broccoli and asparagus transported me to a summer’s garden; and the vibrant reds of beets, radishes and tomatoes stirred up excitement within me for the promise that winter undoubtedly cannot last forever.
With 20+ years in graphic design and marketing, my eyes (and dinner plate!) can appreciate color. It comes by no surprise that among the top nine branding trends for 2023, according to envato, is the powerful use of color. Across both branding and graphic design, color is expected to stop people in their tracks with attention-grabbing tones. A selected color palette will certainly become a conscious one as brands align their visual identity with specific colors.
Bluefish stands in solidarity with most graphic designers as we believe it’s common practice to make good use of the color wheel when designing a brand’s visual persona. And though we can’t take credit for the logo behind now-client, Food for Hope, a non-profit organization gathering food and resources for underserved families and individuals in North Denver; we do know well enough to incorporate and even enhance the meaningful color scheme within all current and future branded materials. Like the citrus and brilliantly colored tomatoes I saw on my field trip, the color orange is uplifting, vibrant and fun; green symbolizes growth and hope for a better future; and red is the color of action.
I have an immense appreciation for color, as well as all types of creative expression. Bluefish employs color, typography, and other visual elements to not only share a brand’s narrative, but to represent a company’s mission, unique spirit, and to ensure it stands out from the crowd with well-designed branding. A story told consistently becomes your brand.
About Bluefish Designs
Bluefish Designs helps passionate entrepreneurs, who value community, inclusivity, sustainability and kindness, and are looking to give their endeavor a visual voice. Our portfolio of services includes, logo design and branding, digital graphics and website design. Learn more at BluefishDesign.com.